8 Options for Finding an On-Campus Job

Students looking to start a part-time job may want to consider campus positions because of the convenient location and flexible scheduling.

For many students, working a part-time job during college can provide spending money, supplement scholarships or other financial aid, and valuable experience for eventual full-time employment.

Students looking to start a part-time job may want to consider campus positions because of the convenient location and flexible scheduling. Many Georgia Tech departments offer student assistant positions.

Here are a few places to start for those who are interested in part-time campus jobs.  

Campus Jobs Board

This is the most centralized location for campus jobs. Not to be confused with Student Center Jobs Board, this board is dedicated to departments around campus that need to get the word out about their openings. Positions, wages, and required skills vary. Check back often, as a wide variety of jobs are posted and new openings come up frequently.

Student Center Jobs Board

Student Center jobs include positions with Paper and Clay, Tech Rec, Under the Couch, Postal Services, and other areas of the Student Center. Descriptions of the roles and responsibilities within each of these areas are available here.

Campus Recreation Center

Each semester the Campus Recreation Center (CRC) hosts a Hiring Expo, and job applications can be found through CareerBuzz. With 20 different types of student positions available, the CRC has jobs that fit a wide variety of interests. Hours, wages, and skills vary depending on position, so be sure to read through the job descriptions to find the best fit. This semester, applications open Feb. 16.

Dining Services

Georgia Tech Dining Services employs many students and has locations all over campus. Roles and responsibilities vary here as well. Openings are listed through Sodexo, which manages Dining Services.

Georgia Tech Housing

Students are employed as Peer Leaders (PLs) and Resident Advisors (RAs) on a year-round basis. This job requires the commitment of living in a residence hall and building relationships with residents throughout the year, but provides full rent and a stipend each semester. Those interested should attend one of two remaining information sessions taking place this month. 

Conference Services also employs students for various roles as it hosts many residential campus and conferences on campus during the summer. Applications for 2016 will be available online in the coming weeks.  

Library Student Employment

The Georgia Tech Library employs students to help with library administrative tasks. Students interested in applying for library positions can fill out the application here and will be notified if a suitable position becomes available. 

Georgia Tech Research Institute Student Assistants

GTRI hires students for co-ops, internships, and student assistant positions, and there is a demand for students with backgrounds in engineering and science.

Also, students can sometimes earn funding to do research. Learn more about getting involved as an undergraduate at www.undergradresearch.gatech.edu.

Federal Work Study

For students who qualify for the Federal Work Study program, jobs fitting those requirements are posted here.


While the departments listed above tend to recruit the most student workers, many other departments on campus also hire student assistants. These positions may be posted less frequently, so students interested in a specific department may want to consider reaching out and inquiring about available openings.

Networking with friends who already have campus positions is also an easy way to learn about different departments and stay in the loop about potential openings. If you know something who works on campus, ask them about their job and how they found it.

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