How the Women of AI Are Redefining STEM

Dream Makers

How the women in AI are shaping our future.

It’s easy to think of artificial intelligence—computer systems designed to perform traditionally human tasks like visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation—as the purview of science fiction, but these days it’s rare to find a facet of modern life that AI doesn’t impact. Ride-shares are hailed by a phone that is unlocked with your face; romances ignite thanks to matchmaking algorithms; robots roam apartments, vacuuming and mapping the floor plan as they go, or resting quietly in a corner as they wait to offer a virtual assist. Self-driving cars are already on the road in places like Palo Alto, California, and Chandler, Arizona; Facebook regularly uses AI to automatically translate text between countries and to recognize what’s in images to both filter out the “offensive” and translate them for users who are blind. As a society, we’ve grown accustomed to filtering our most intimate problems through Siri and Alexa, but the real heroes of the digital age are women—founders, inventors, researchers, and activists—who often go unnamed outside of the annals of Silicon Valley.

For years, the public face of the technology industry (particularly in the artificial intelligence sector) has been predominantly white and overwhelmingly male. The statistics are glaring: For every dollar a male founder makes, his female counterpart will earn just 39 cents; at high-profile companies like Facebook, Apple, and Google, the ratio of male to female employees is 3:1; the number of women in leadership roles across the industry remains embarrassingly small. “Going from being an engineer to a founder to an investor” gave cofounder Carol Reiley a chance to inspect the gender imbalance problem from multiple angles. “There are studies that show even if a male and female pitch the same pitch, the male is 70 percent more likely to get funded,” she says. Once they get funding, “people like to hire people who look like them, and it becomes harder and harder as your company grows larger, because no one wants to be the first female after there are 20 men already there.”

Special thanks to The San Francisco Symphony